Thursday, August 13, 2009

Baseball in Chicago

We have our favorites. MOST southsiders love the Sox, a few southsiders love the Cubs, along with the northside transplants. But when did America's favorite past-time get so expensive. You can't take a family to a game anymore and not spend a couple of hundred bucks easy. I think it may be cheaper to take a vacation somewhere. Who actually watches the games anyway?

I was looking on line and here is the wallet saving alternative for a night (or day) of baseball.

The Thunderbolts, they are closer to home being located in Crestwood, tickets are $9, and the food and drinks are CHEAP. They have special promotions and events and you can have fundraisers and parties there too.

Here is the link:

Open Post 8/13 through 8/19

Here's your open post for the week.

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