Who: Chicago Fire Department Local 2 Bravest Baseball Club Hosts the U.S. Military All-Stars
What: Two nights of REAL Baseball
When: Friday, July 17th & Saturday, July 18th at 7:00 P.M.
Where: Standard Bank Stadium located at 14007 S. Kenton Avenue in Crestwood , IL . (Home of the Windy City Thunderbolts).
Why: For the benefit of raising funds and awareness for U.S.A. Cares. www.usacares.org
Tickets: Buy one, get one free for a limited time from any CFD Bravest team member by calling Dan Sheahan at (773) 255-4719 or e-mail him at ddjmlsheahan@juno.com
You can also contact Jim Rice at the W.C.Thunderbolts Box Office. (708) 489-2255 Ext #2011 www.wcthunderbolts.com
Frills: "Filler up Friday" - One dollar draft beer on Friday night only. Fun and games between innings. Fireworks following both games. Post game party at 115 Bourbon Street