Sunday, December 14, 2008

Yet another robbery!

I received this as a comment. I haven't been able to verify it yet and get all the facts. Does anyone else have any information?

FYI Tru Value was robbed yesterday (the 13th of DEC) by a male invader from east of the tracks. Plus it was done at the height of the day 3pm. Keep on your toes people, because we all know that 22 doesn't do any proactive police work. Just like none of the businesses around there were notified that it happened.

It's Christmas time and the economy sucks. People get desperate. Watch your backs and that of your neighbors.


Anonymous said...

Its true, 1 career criminal in custody. Threatened to shoot employees twice, yet no weapon was displayed or recovered.

Its sad that we can't feel safe in our "nice" neighborhood, because the easterners keep coming over here to rip off everything we work hard for.

Anonymous said...

The offender was captured as were the offenders in most of the recent robberies. Blaming the police in 022 dist is easy they are usually handling the huge volume of calls from the parts of the district that are not in zipcode 60655. Currently there are less polce assigned to 22 than at any time in the last 10 years. Ginger Rugai is co chair of the police and fire committee in the city council and many of the residents of her ward are police and firemen. yet she has ignored the fact that the police and firemen have been working without a contract for 18 months. ( I bet the teachers and garbage men would still show up without a contract). The 19th ward has seen a huge increase in crime and it will get worse. Jan and Feb are big retirement months for the police and there are no current plans to hire more officers. Watch your backs and call 911 if something doesnt seem right. You might want to call Rugai and ask for some of those city services our high tax bills are supposed to provide.

Anonymous said...

1. The Police Department is dangerously low on manpower. This is dangerous to the community and dangerous to officers that may not have backup;

2. The savages know this and are getting more and more brazen every day. People don't call the police when they see some guy on the block that doesn't live there. People are afraid that they will be characterized as racist. Too bad. 99% of the time, your first impression is correct. If some guy looks likes he's up to something he probably is. Call the police! Tell them that he is suspicious because he is looking into yards or cars;

3. The 22nd district has never patrolled the neighborhood and they never will. Your tax dollars are being stolen. Contact Ginger Rugaii about this. She'll probably deny it. Don't let her. Stay on her ass.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

In the almost 3 years I have lived in this community I have not seen Beat 2211 on my block EVER! Pretty sad.

Interested Citizen said...

On Friday December 12th my car was parked at the Metra parking lot by the 107th street station. Someone had the gaul to steal my catalytic converter right there in the parking lot during the day. Metra's only comment was it happens all the time at gresham. I see they patrol about as well as dist. 22 and the crooks know it.

Anonymous said...

December 18, 2008 8:30 AM

Well seeing that you were west of Sacramento, you were in the Ghetto so that it expected.

Anonymous said...

December 18, 2008 9:33 PM

I bet you meant east of the tracks?

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